Trustee Reappointed to British Museum Board

Theresa May has reappointed The Hon Nigel Boardman to the Board of the British Museum for a term of four years, ending on 31 December 2020. Nigel Boardman read history at Bristol University and then qualified as a solicitor. Apart from a spell as an investment banker he has spent his career at Slaughter and May where he is a partner with a broad corporate and commercial practice. Nigel has received the Financial Times’ Special Achievement Award, Chambers Directories Lifetime Achievement Award and the Lawyer of the Decade Award from Financial News. Nigel is a consulting editor of the Oxford University Press’ ‘Annotated Companies Acts’.
British Museum Trustees are not remunerated. This reappointment has been made in accordance with the OCPA Code of Practice. It is a requirement of the Code that political activity by those appointed is declared. Nigel Boardman has declared no political activity.