Professor David Haslam preferred candidate for post of Chair of NICE

Professor David Haslam has been named today (11th December 2012) as the Government’s preferred candidate for the post of Chair of the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE). This decision was made following an open and rigorous recruitment exercise. Jeremy Hunt, the Secretary of State for Health, has yesterday invited the Health Select Committee to hold a public pre-appointment scrutiny hearing on Tuesday and report on the candidate’s suitability for the post. This is in line with proposals for scrutiny of key positions in which Parliament has an interest.
After a hearing, the committee will set out its views on the candidate’s suitability. The Secretary of State will then consider the conclusions of the committee’s report carefully before deciding whether or not to proceed with the appointment.
Professor David Haslam is currently the National Clinical Adviser to the Care Quality Commission, Chair of the NICE Evidence Accreditation Advisory Board and an expert member of the NHS National Quality Board. He is the immediate Past President of the British Medical Association and was President of the Royal College of General Practitioners from 2006-09. From 1976-2011 he was a GP in Huntingdon. Professor Haslam is also an experienced publisher and broadcaster on health issues.
About NICE
The National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) is currently a Special Health Authority which was set up in April 1999. The Health and Social Care Act 2012 establishes the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (still to be known as NICE) as an Executive Non Departmental Public Body from 1 April 2013 and extends its remit to adults’ and children’s social care. Through its robust, evidence-based advice and guidance, the Institute has a key role in supporting the health and care system in delivering the quality agenda. It will also have a key part in helping to promote the integration of health and social care.
The NICE Board’s roles and responsibilities over the current three year strategic planning period are to:
- Maintain NICE as the primary standard-setter in healthcare, public health practice and social care.
- Provide and promote access to and uptake of NICE guidance and other evidence-based advice, at the point of need and in formats that facilitate rapid access and which are tailored to the needs of all users, including patients and the public.
- Achieve a broad knowledge and appreciation of the Institute’s purpose and work, in the wider health system and in social care, and with the general public.
- Improve knowledge and develop capability in the use of scientific and peer-reviewed evidence to inform policy and practice, in the UK and in the international health and social care community.
- Secure the effective management of the Institute’s staff and other resources, making cost improvements and re-shaping programmes in order to operate within a reducing resource envelope up to 2014-15.
- Work with industry and the Government to help promote sustainable growth in the life sciences industries.
The Chair of NICE will be accountable to the Secretary of State for Health and will be expected to provide leadership and challenge to the organisation.