Gender Diversity Organisations
20-first works with progressive global companies around the world interested in responding to both halves of the market and optimizing both halves of the talent pool – the male and female halves. The firm’s consulting services help companies achieve systemic, sustainable and positive change to successfully define and plan their gender balance initiatives.
Professional Boards Forum
The Professional Boards Forum is an innovative forum that gives leading chairmen instant access to excellent NED talent and gives women an opportunity to demonstrate their strengths, experience and judgement. The Professional Boards Forum BoardWatch tracks the appointments of women to UK boards following the publication of Lord Davies's report in February 2011.
The Mentoring Foundation
The Mentoring Foundation was founded specifically for the purpose of developing the already highly successful FTSE100 Cross-Company Mentoring Programme, which is directed by Peninah Thomson.
Women on Boards
Women on Boards is an open, action-oriented, UK-wide organisation for women seeking to leverage their professional skills and experience into board and leadership roles. It is unique in offering an action-oriented, UK-wide service to women in all sectors, based on a well established online platform and a wealth of experience from Australia.
NB. Please note that this is not an exhaustive list.