Race Equality Matters virtual launch events

With Black Lives Matter protests and current events highlighting racial inequality across the globe, Race Equality Matters is to launch with two virtual events, to be held on 4th and 17th November 2020, exploring how to work together to achieve equality in our workplaces.
Race Equality Matters is a not-for-profit collaboration of individuals and organisations uniting to address the challenge of race in the workplace. Following a series of 70+ in depth 1-2-1 interviews, a further 150 discussions and a series of workshops, it is clear that to take on race inequality in the workplace collective support is needed from individuals, organisations, companies and campaigners.
As a partner and part of the movement for race equality, Diversity UK invites its member organisation's ethnic minority lead(s) to join the official Race Equality Matters & Race Equality Week virtual launch event. Participants will hear from the founders of Race Equality Matters and D&I experts on why the movement was formed, why it is needed and the solutions being developed with collaborators to create meaningful change for race equality.
Scheduled to speak on 4th November 2020 are Baroness Helena Morrissey, Founder of The 30% Club; Dr Karl George MBE, Managing Director of The Governance Forum and Simon Blake OBE, Chief Executive of Mental Health First Aid alongside Raj Tulsiani and Javed Thomas, Co-Founders of Race Equality Matters. On 17th November 2020, mental health expert Ama Afrifa-Tchie, Head of Culture and Wellbeing at Mental Health First Aid, will among the speakers.
Participants can register register below to join the launch webinars.
4th November 2020
17th November 2020
Race Equality Week 2021
Participants can also find out how to get involved in the UK's first ever Race Equality Week, from the 1st to 7th of February 2021. Organised by Race Equality Matters, Race Equality Week is a UK-wide initiative to unite organisations and individuals in activity to address issues affecting ethnic minority employees. Organisations will be able to register to join the Race Equality Week pin campaign and receive tools and resources to facilitate conversation, activity and commitment to change.
Race Equality Matters will support organisations with:
- Participants resource pack: Promotional materials; PR & Communications messaging and top tips.
- Webinars and ‘How to’ workshops for initiatives (pin badge campaign, Safe Space and the BIG Promise).
- A network to exchange of ideas and support with other organisations.
About Race Equality Matters
Race Equality Matters (REM) CIC, not for profit community interest company, was formed in response to the Black Lives Matter Movement to turn declarations of commitment and support from organisations and individuals into meaningful change in racial equality both in the workforce & in society. It aims to improve workplace equality across the public, private and charity sectors through a collaboration of companies, race networks, field experts, individuals and allies who will create solutions and work with member organisations to implement the change.
The move follows the release of Green Park’s The Colour of Power research, a visual depiction of the upper echelons of the UK’s most powerful institutions, which highlights not only the lack of diversity and disparity of power in the UK’s most senior leadership roles, but the total failure to address it despite three years of government backed targets and ample rhetoric about commitments to diversity & inclusion.
In addition to Race Equality Week, REM is forming a Race Equality Network, which will seek to support, empower and resource race networks. Co-founded by Green Park, Black History Month & The Collaboratory, Race Equality Matters already has the support of partners: Diversity UK, Rare Recruitment, The Governance Forum, Diversity Dashboard & The Diversity Digest.
For further information visit https://www.raceequalitymatters.com/