ParliREACH hosts a Black History Month debate

ParliREACH hosts a Black History Month debate
L-R: Omar Khan, Lopa Patel MBE, Sharon Maddix, David Lammy MP, Helen Grant MP

ParliREACH, a Workplace Equality Network for UK Parliament, hosted a Black History Month panel debate at the House of Lords on Tuesday 29th October 2019. Moderated by Sharon Maddix the panel comprised Labour MP David Lammy; Conservative MP Helen Grant; Chair of Diversity UK, Lopa Patel MBE and Director of The Runnymede Trust, Omar Khan with the event attended by fifty of ParliREACH’s 350 members across both the House of Commons and the House of Lords.

Among the topics of discussion was the ParliREACH survey ‘Stand in My Shoes’ and the Cox report which explored the views of staff across the organisation about race, ethnicity and cultural background. “Whilst great strides have been made in recent years, we still have much to do to make the UK Parliament the truly diverse and inclusive environment we all aim for” said Helen Grant MP.

David Lammy MP spoke about “relieving people of colour of the burden of fighting for equality, white people need to use their privilege and exemplify good leadership in combating racism”.

Omar Khan called for middle management and senior leadership to lead change by proactive leadership and recognition and Lopa Patel MBE advised ParliREACH to consider UK Parliament has a large employer like any other company of a similar size and to hold senior management to account for the implementation of good workplace practices, policies and behaviour and in complying with employment law.

About ParliREACH

ParliREACH is a Workplace Equality Network (WEN) established to increase awareness and appreciation of race, ethnicity and cultural heritage issues in Parliament. It aims to provide a platform where under-represented groups can find support and where equality objectives can be progressed.

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