Diversity UK debates good karma and unconscious bias in the workplace

Diversity UK hosted a panel debate on 5th November 2014 in London to discuss the issues of good karma and unconscious bias in the workplace. Diversity consultant and executive trainer Harish Bhayani set the context by outlining some of his research into unconscious bias before allowing Nishma Gosrani, who is responsible for the Diversity and Inclusion client proposition for Deloitte and a Co-sponsor of the Deloitte Multicultural Business Network, to explain how her firm is embedding these concepts into their change management programme. Farzana Baduel, Founder and Managing Director of Curzon PR and the AMA Media Professional of the Year 2014, spoke about her experiences in the media industry and described how she is developing a diverse workforce within her company. Farzana also outlined the work of Creative Access and The Taylor Bennett Foundation.
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