Diversity in Tech 2019 Report Launched

The Tech Talent Charter today (15th January 2020) launched its annual benchmarking report Diversity in Tech - tracking gender diversity in technology roles across the UK. techUK is a founding signatory of the Tech Talent Charter - a commitment by organisations to a set of undertakings that aim to deliver greater diversity in the tech workforce of the UK, one that better reflects the make-up of the population. Importantly, the Charter states that all signatories must provide data on their own workforce each year so that we can measure success and make more impactful, measurable changes as an industry for the future.
Gathered from over 300 signatories representing over 700,000 employees, the data gives a snapshot of today’s business and technology industry and an insight into practical ways companies can improve gender diversity in tech.
Over the last 12 months, the Tech Talent Charter has evolved its offering and grown significantly. Signatories are located across the UK and represent 24 different industries categories in comparison to 13 industries represented last year.
This has not just improved the breadth of their insight but also the richness of data represented across other sectors. It shows the growing commitment to creating greater diversity in the UK tech workforce, one that provides equality and opportunity for all.
The Tech Talent Charter’s inaugural report, stressed the importance of collaboration. This year, with a launch event at The Gherkin, they are pressing for progress by driving inclusion through workplace culture, and further widening the scope of their work with the creation of a regional ecosystem working with companies in Leeds to find jobs for those who wish to return from a work break to a career in tech.
Report calls to action
- Take steps to build a culture of inclusion by reviewing behaviour and internal processes via a D&I audit
- Explore non-traditional training initiatives and alternative pathways that provide under-represented groups with a route into the tech talent pipeline.
- Set goals for and measure the diversity of candidates on hiring shortlists.
- Drive change through the supply chain by questioning suppliers on their D&I practise and metrics.
- Work closely with women and other minority groups to ensure that retraining and returners programs are appealing, impactful and sustainable.
- Examine where there are opportunities to partner with organisations to upskill and recruit diverse talent in a regional ecosystem.
This new report is just one part of a three-part Toolkit, including an Open Book of Best Practice and Diversity Map. Find out more and sign-up at https://www.techtalentcharter.co.uk/.