Company Matters launches FTSE AIM & SMC diversity review

Company Matters, part of the Link Group, launched their first report exploring diversity within the boards of AIM and FTSE small cap (SMC) companies. Launched by Caroline Emmett and Paul Johnston, in association with governance and diversity consultant Dr Scarlett Brown, over 80+ guests heard the highlights of their first-of-its-kind research into board diversity within smaller UK companies.
Tracey Brady, MD of Company Matters said, "the idea of board diversity has gone from radical to widely accepted as what makes boards work well. Companies have seen growing pressure to up their game on values, purpose, stakeholder engagement and culture.
In the background, less attention has been on board diversity in companies below the FTSE 350, despite encouragement to consider and report on their diversity. This includes reporting on gender pay gap, UK corporate governance code, QCA code, board diversity policy disclosure requirements and the Hampton Alexander Review. The results within the report shed a light on diversity in these companies."
Ethnic diversity on FTSE AIM & SMC 100 companies is low
For example did you know that:
- Just 15% of directors in AIM UK 50 are women.
- Only 5% of executive directors in the FTSE SMC 100 are women
- Ethnic diversity is low on these company boards too, showing very little change. More than 95% of directors are white and over 80% of boards are all-white. There are some exceptions where a board has more than one non-white director, but these are rare and typically non-UK incorporated or domiciled.
- 42% of the AIM UK 50 and 8% of the FTSE SMC 100 don’t mention board diversity in their annual report
"We hope this report leads to meaningful conversations and then to meaningful actions," added Tracey Brady, "we're only just getting started; join the debate, share success and don't aspire to change, be the change".
About Company Matters
Company Matters, part of the Link Group, is one of the UK’s largest professional services secretarial teams, providing a comprehensive outsourced service including global statutory compliance and meeting support. Headquartered in London, Company Matters support both domestic and international clients with all aspects of their company secretarial and governance needs and can provide training on current issues and refresher courses for board and committee members. For further information visit
Click here to download a copy of the Company Matter Board Diversity in FTSE AIM & Small Cap Companies (SMC) report.