78% believe the way the media portrays ethnic minorities promotes racism

Group of WomenA new survey, commmissioned by The Runnymede Trust, has found that four out of every five people (78%) thought that the way that the media portrays ethnic minorities promotes racism. This concern was not just expressed by respondents who were from minority ethnic backgrounds. Over two-thirds (76%) of White British respondents thought that the media’s representation of minority ethnic groups fuelled racism. The results were published in the Independent on Friday 10th January 2014.

Before the 'End Racism This Generation' campaign launched, Runnymede commissioned an attitudinal survey on race in the UK. One of the questions that we asked was “Do you think that the way the media portrays minority ethnic groups, promotes racism?”

  • Four out of five respondents (78%) agreed that media coverage of ethnic minority Britons promotes racism.
  • This concern was not just expressed by respondents who were from minority ethnic backgrounds. Over two-thirds (76%) of White British respondents thought that the media’s representation of minority ethnic groups fuelled racism.
  • Quite unsurprisingly the groups who most strongly agreed with the statement were from Pakistani and Eastern European backgrounds, both of whom have been targeted by the media in Islamophobic and anti-migration narratives.
  • Almost all Pakistani (94 %) and for 89 % of Eastern Europeans thought that the media portrayals of BME groups promote racism.
  • Over two-thirds of Indian (68%) and Black African (67%) participants agreed with the statement.

Runnymede’s Director Rob Berkeley said: "Runnymede is particularly concerned about the challenge this poses for improving relations between people of different ethnic groups. Our media must do more to respond to the real views and concerns of readers rather than promote stereotypes about Black and Asian people or immigrants.”

Runnymede’s campaign End Racism This Generation is calling on media organizations to tackle damaging representations of black and minority ethnic groups by pledging to ask a few simple questions:

  • Enduring misrepresentations of black and minority ethnic groups in the UK media could be a result of the ethnic make-up of the industry. A 2013 survey found that 94% of journalists are white, despite more than half of all journalists working in London and the south-east, one of the most diverse areas of the country. Does your organisation reflect the ethnic make-up of your area, and if not, how could a positive action scheme or Diversity Champions change this?
  • Why does race matter when describing a person or story?
  • Unless a reason for mentioning race is explicitly explained, why is it being mentioned at all?
  • Are stories are pandering to, or maintaining a negative stereotype based on race?
  • If ethnicities mentioned were replaced by the words ‘white’ or ‘Jew, would it still have been published?

About the Runnymede Trust

Runnymede is the UK’s leading independent race equality think tank.

For further information visit www.runnymedetrust.org

About the survey

All figures, unless otherwise stated, are from Ethnic Focus an independent research organisation specialising in ethnic research. Total sample size was 750 adults. All respondents provided details of their ethnicity and religion. The demographic of the group are as follows: Indian 200, Pakistani 150, Black Caribbean 75, Black African 75, Eastern European 100, White British 150. The demographic by religion is as follows: Christian 217, Hindu 138, Sikh 54, Muslim 188, Other 18, None 135. The survey was carried out in person. Fieldwork was undertaken between July-August 2013.

For further information visit ethnicfocus.com
